miércoles, noviembre 23, 2011

Don't play around - How to Secure Alan Gross's Release

Capitol Hill Cubans 

Statement by U.S. Senate candidate (Md.) Richard Douglas: 

In a genuine effort to free Mr. Gross, a resolute member of Congress long ago would have used every trick in the congressional rulebook to demand – and, if necessary, force – the Obama Administration to take concrete steps like these:
• Suspension of all civilian flights between the U.S. and Havana;
• Issuance of notices to mariners and aviators suspending all non-emergency passage to or from Cuba through U.S. air space and waters (including the exclusive economic zone);
• Suspension of all financial transactions to Cuba from the U.S.;
• Cancellation of U.S. visas held by any Cuban official, including Cuba’s UN mission in New York;
• Federal indictment of Cuban officials responsible for Mr. Gross’s illegal imprisonment;
• Filing of INTERPOL Red Notices for the indicted officials to prevent their international travel;
• Forcing U.S. resolutions through the Organization of American States and Inter-American Commission on Human Rights demanding Mr. Gross’s immediate release;
• Instructing American ambassadors around the world to urge their countries of assignment to demand liberation of Mr. Gross from the Castro gulag. 
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