jueves, noviembre 03, 2011

Democratic Socialists of America Goes National For Occupy Wall Street

By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Hat Tip: Gulag Bound
Adding one more to an extensive list of Marxist supporters of Occupy Wall Street, Democratic Socialists of America joined the leftist fray with a page dedicated to the movement today. And why not? They share the goals of chaos and top down, bottom up, inside out that the radical left jointly embraces. They are targeting the young, filling them to the brim with propaganda and then sending them out to their local Occupy Wall Street rallies. An army of useful idiots descends not only on Wall Street, but America as a whole. These are your children, your friends, your neighbors… and they are being sucked into a death trap baited with honeyed phrases of hope and redistributive wealth that in actuality are as poisonous as the apple that struck down Snow White. But this time, there is no prince, just the grim reaper lying in wait to collect as violence, death, hunger and war bloom in America’s streets. Viva la revolucion!
Evidently, the Socialists are here to save the day. Yesterday, I heard about a transaction tax the Democrats are pushing. Guess what the top idea of DSA is? Bingo. Welcome to Conyers HR 870: The Humphrey- Hawkins 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act. Mark my words, this will not create jobs, it will just redistribute more wealth through more taxation and cause more chaos and pain. Which is exactly what DSA and their cohorts want.
DSA is incredibly well-organized and well-funded. And these smooth-talking, slick devils have their game down pat.
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