martes, noviembre 08, 2011

David Rivera Takes Aim at Cuban Drilling off the Coast of Florida

From his perches on the Natural Resources and Foreign Affairs committees, Florida Republican U.S. Rep. David Rivera is drilling into Cuba’s plans to explore for energy.

Rivera introduced the Foreign Oil Spill Liability Act of 2011 on Friday which would require foreign organizations to be held financially accountable if their offshore drilling hurts American waters or shorelines. The freshman congressman has repeatedly expressed concerns about Cuban plans to establish oil rigs as close as 50 miles to the shores of the Sunshine State.

“Foreign oil spills could have a detrimental effect on state and local economies, hurting American businesses and costing American jobs,” Rivera said in a statement released on Monday. “This bill seeks accountability from responsible foreign parties, in the event of an oil spill that affects American waters and shores, by ensuring that they pay for all cleanup and compensation costs. While the responsible party is held liable for American-sourced oil spills, there is a much lower level of responsibility for foreign-sourced spills. American taxpayers and state governments should not be footing the bill for cleanup and compensation costs from a foreign oil spill.”

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