miércoles, noviembre 16, 2011

10 ways to stay broke forever

You have no savings or investments - and you haven't even thought about retirement! But hey, you have a new car, a beautiful new house and enough power suits to last you until you're 100 years old. Plus, if you still have plenty of available credit, who cares about the bottom line when life is this good?
It's a good question, and one that many people aren't forced to consider — until it's too late. Check out the top ways you can keep the charade going and stay broke!  Yes, BROKE! If you're lucky, you'll die before anyone notices...
1)     Finance everything
Live for the now. If you can get a loan or buy something on credit, do it. This should be easy; after all, your salary isn't nearly big enough to cover all your "needs."
2)     Pay the minimum — on everything
Take a look at your credit card statement. It should tell you how long it will take you to pay off the balance if you make the minimum payment. Shoot for a time frame that's longer than you can ever imagine living. That should do it. Now go have fun!
3)     Spend it all
Financial advisors tend to recommend that you "save up" for things you want. That's impractical if you want things right now — now isn't it?!
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