miércoles, octubre 19, 2011

Violent clashes as UK police begin clearing illegal Traveler camp

Image: An activist holds up a crucifix as a barricade burns during evictions from Dale Farm travelers' camp near Basildon, England.
Getty Images
The AP reports from CRAYS HILL, England:
 British police in riot gear on Wednesday used sledgehammers to clear the way for the eviction of a community of Irish Travelers from a site where they have lived illegally for a decade.
A large force of police and bailiffs faced resistance from several dozen residents and supporters who threw bricks and struggled with officers at the Dale Farm site, set amid fields 30 miles east of London. One mobile home was set on fire as police moved in at dawn, and several protesters chained themselves to barricades with bicycle locks in a bid to slow down the evictions. Others scaled a 40-foot scaffolding tower, from which police began removing them one by one.
Essex Police said two protesters were Tasered and one person arrested and that police officers had been attacked with rocks and other missiles.
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