sábado, octubre 01, 2011

Van Jones Warns America: ‘Hold on to Your Seats’ Because the ‘Progressive Fight Back’ Is Coming in October

Transcript via MSNBC:
>>> i will buy everyone in here a drink if by the end of this year there is not action on the jobs end. members of congress have explaining to do when they go home for the end of the year recess, if they’ve done nothing, nothing, to address the urgent need to help our economy and create jobs.
>> that was white house press secretary jay carney placing a friendly bet that congress will take action to improve the jobs action. it improved modestly when the labor department announced new claims for jobless benefits fell sharply to a seasonally adjusted level of 391,000. that was a 37,000 drop from the previous week and the lowest figure in nearly six months. the mayor of new york, a former job creator himself and a former republican, who now operates politically as an independent and happens to be a billionaire, warned recently that there could be riots in the streets if washington doesn’t get serious about generating jobs. we have a lot of kids graduating college, can’t find jobs, mayor blook befl said on his weekly radio show. that’s what happened in cairo. that’s what happened in madrid. you don’t want those kids — those kinds of riots here. mayor bloomberg added, the damage to a generation that can’t find jobs will go on for many, many years. joining me now, former green jobs adviser to president obama and current co-founder and president of progressive organization rebuild the dream, van jones. thank you for joining me tonight.
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