martes, octubre 18, 2011

Suspected Russian Spy Was Sleeping With UK Politician And European Officials

Ekaterina Zatuliveter, a former Parliamentary assistant in the UK accused of being a Russian spy, had a four year affair with an MP and also slept with a number of unidentified European officials, according to reports from The Times.
Zatuliveter, also known as Katia, was arrested last year by the British secret service on suspicion of spying. Now, facing deportation at London's Special Immigration Appeals Commission, she is denying the accusations.
Regardless, her relationship with 64-year-old British MP Mike Hancock has come under scrutiny. The Telegraph reports that she first met with Hancock while she was a student at St Petersburg University. She was assigned as his chaperon for a conference and rebuffed his advances that night.
However, on a return visit to Moscow Hancock reconnected with her and she moved to the UK to conduct an affair with him while studying at the University of Bradford. She eventually began to work as his assistant (passing all security checks) in the UK Parliament, a sensitive role because of his work on the Defence Select Committee.

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