martes, octubre 18, 2011

Obama Supports 'Occupy' Movement as A Campaign Stun

Could Obama's Class Warfare Cause a Run on the Banks? 
President Barack Obama's public support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, whether welcomed or not by the protesters, represents a clear effort on behalf of the White House to use class warfare as an election campaign tool, but it could lead to a complete financial collapse in the United States.

During a speech to honor Dr. Martin Luther King on Sunday, Obama "offered more support for protesters" according to the Financial Times when he spoke of them favorably for challenging "the excesses of Wall Street".

In addition, a White House staffer, Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest, told a press conference yesterday that Obama will make sure "the interests of the 99 percent of Americans are well-represented on the tour," which is the first time the White House has... More >

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