martes, octubre 18, 2011

Obama Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Supporting 'Occupy Wall Street'

Correctly surmising that the Occupy Wall St. movement is going to be a big player in the next election President Obama has evidently decided that the best course of action is to support the protesters.
This despite the fact that it is widely assumed that the group is in large part comprised of disaffected Obama supporters.
Last week Obama adviser David Pouffe told Good Morning America "The protests you’re seeing are the same conversations people are having in living rooms and kitchens all across America...the president is standing on the side of consumers and the middle class." 
Yesterday, White House spokesperson Josh Earnest went further, appropriating the language of the movement to declare that Obama is fighting for the "interests of 99 percent of Americans are well represented."
Certainly this seems a better course of action than calling the group "jealous" and accusing them of playing the "victim card" as Herman Cain did.  Or declaring it "class warfare" as Romney has done.  And yet Obama is playing a dangerous game attaching himself so directly to a movement that boasts neither a leader nor a clear message. 

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