viernes, octubre 07, 2011

← MINNESOTA Somali Muslim bagheads to stand trial on terrorist financing charges

Bare Naked Islam
CBS (H/T Susan K) A Minnesota Muslim woman on trial for allegedly funneling money to a terrorist group in Somalia was found in contempt of court Monday when she refused to stand for the judge and jury, citing religious grounds. Chief U.S. District Judge Michael Davis found Amina Farah Ali in contempt for failing to stand as court convened and recessed several times during the day, and later sentenced her to 50 days in jail.
He also ordered Ali to be detained for the duration of the trial because of her “behavior in this courtroom.” She had been released pending trial as long as she did not violate any laws, but in a written order on Monday, Davis said Ali violated the law when she failed to rise and he revoked her release.
Ali, 35, and her co-defendant, Hawo Mohamed Hassan, 64, are accused of being part of what prosecutors called a “deadly pipeline” that sent more than $8,600 and fighters from the U.S. to Somalia.

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