sábado, octubre 08, 2011

Iran getting Uranium from Africa

by Anna Mahjar-Barducci
H/T American Defense League

The blossoming of the Arab Spring was not a good news for Iran. Teheran finds itself confronting the possibility of losing important allies, such as Syria, and of losing the chance to become a hegemonic power in the region. Iran is therefore looking around the globe for new partners that could politically and economically support the regime.
Iran’s Muslim Midget
The Iranian government has made significant strides in Latin America, helping to embolden the anti-American bloc of Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba and Nicaragua, while gaining sympathies in countries such as Brazil and Argentina.

Teheran, to secure support, is now trying to diversify its allies, and Africa represents the latest continent to be conquered. As the United States has been ignoring these developments, these Iranian activities pursued by Iranian officials in Africa — including a coordinated diplomatic, economic, and military strategy in African countries such as Sudan, Zimbabwe and Eritrea — have been growing unchecked.
While Iran has launched an impressive number of development projects in Africa, business is never separated from ideology. This is particularly clear in Sudan where, according to Sanam Vakil, an expert on Iran at the Johns Hopkins University, “Iran has been successful in strengthening ties with Sudan because the two countries have an ideological link. They are standing up against the West and imperialism.”

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