sábado, octubre 22, 2011

Good news! The leftist FOCAL [Canadian Foundation for the Americas] closed its doors

After 20 years of operations as a "think tank" for the Americas, FOCAL [Canadian Foundation for the Americas] closed its doors in September of this year, after the evaluation received from Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) its main sponsor.
Blanket for left-wing intellectuals who knocking on their doors, including, as one would expect, some kubiches "political refugees" who still profess their
Marxist vocation,  admire the "General in Chief" and collaborate with the regime in other "academic" institutions, FOCAL [Cubasource]
simply copied and pasted the work of the Cuban Research Institute, Granma and other publications of Cuba regime and sometimes referred to human rights movement on the island.

[Photo: Juan A. Blanco and Ana J. Faya]

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