lunes, octubre 17, 2011

Coren & Klagsbrun on Occupy Toronto

More than 1,000 Occupy Toronto protesters hit the streets on Monday.

They marched from St. James Park north on Church St. to a social justice rally at Ryerson University followed by a march down Yonge St. to get back to the tent city they put up in the park.

The protests in Toronto are a spin-off to the protest in New York City's Wall Street against corporate greed that have been going on for a month.

By the dinner hour Monday, protesters blocked the Yonge and Dundas Sts. intersection for about 20 minutes before they returned to the park.

Carolyn Weatherson joined the protest because she says lobby groups have too much power.

"They are very influential. It is important for the vast majority to stand up and have influence," Weatherson said.

"We have corporate tax cuts, billions in subsidies for the oil sands, the purchase of fighter jets with no transparency, all done in in camera meetings without the media," she said. "I find it terrifying. Our voices need to be heard."

Dallas, who didn't give a last name, said he is protesting to voice his opinion.

"Here I have spoken to people from all over the world and shared views. I hope the dialogue continues for a better future," Dallas said.

Marching is a great way to show dissent, said Elliot, who also didn't give a last name.

"We need to discuss if we should have capitalism and what should replace it," he said. "Smart people need to be talking about this."

Sari Stern claims to be one of the 99% of people being screwed by corporations.

"I am here to show how large we are. I am a house cleaner and I took the day off work to be here. As an individual I'm looking at retiring under a bridge and that is not right," Stern said.

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