miércoles, octubre 12, 2011

#Canada - Homegrown terrorism

This brief, 3-minute video shows footage of the annual Al-Quds Day Rally held at Queen's Park (the Ontario Legislature) here in Toronto, which took place this past Sunday, August 28th.

Speakers are seen describing Israel as a "cancer" that must be killed, Israel is accused of being involved "wherever we see injustice happening", and Israelis are called "racists", "barbarians", and "inhuman".

The flag of Hezbollah, a terror organization banned under Canadian law, is also flown by demonstrators.

It is important for people to understand that there is a world of difference between legitimate criticism of Israeli government policies and a denial of the right of Israel to exist, in language that is without question anti-Semitic. In the case of this rally, 'criticism' of Israel quickly crossed the line into outright anti-Semitism.

The video also shows how those who genuinely believe in human rights often share a podium with hate-filled extremists. Those activists should be accountable for the company they keep.

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