martes, septiembre 27, 2011

Useful fools return from Cuba with nada

Every once in a while, we send a useful fool to Havana. They go bearing gifts from the U.S. government: concessions we are willing to make to the world's oldest dictatorship ---- and one of the most repressive regimes on the planet ---- without getting anything in return.
Sometimes we think we actually are making progress. Yet when Fidel and Raul Castro's Communist dictatorship makes a concession, it is usually to correct an injustice that should have never been committed in the first place. Their concessions are not permanent changes to their tyrannical rule, but temporary gestures to minimize international condemnation.
They'll release political prisoners who should have never been incarcerated. Then, we'll foolishly recognize it as a sign of progress, only to realize that other dissidents are still being harassed and arrested for the same shameful "offenses," such as trying to express themselves freely. That's some progress!
Like broken records, we Cuban-Americans keep telling the rest of our fellow Americans that the Castro brothers would never agree to concessions that would weaken their choking grip on the Cuban people. But nobody listens!

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