lunes, septiembre 26, 2011

Nonprofit plants seed for future US-Cuba relations

[Tony Jimenez, co-founder of Raices de Esperanza, or Roots of Hope]
A group of students and young professionals is looking to strengthen relations between Cuban youth and those in the U.S.

Miami-based Roots of Hope has changed since its 2003 founding as a group of idealistic Cuban-American teens. Today its alumnae have access to some of the nation's top elected leaders, including Sen. Marco Rubio and President Barack Obama. Still, its leaders maintain the group is apolitical, with members holding very different views on U.S. policy toward Cuban. The organization now has 55 university chapters and claims 3,500 members.

One of its main projects is sending cell phones to Cuban youth to help them connect with one another. It has also created a fund to promote trips to the communist island by young Cuban-Americans and offers tips on responsible travel there.

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