miércoles, septiembre 14, 2011

#JFK expected murder after Cuba crisis

Former US President John F. Kennedy and former first lady Jackie Kennedy
An audio message reveals that former US President John F. Kennedy had said after the successful resolution of Cuban Missile Crisis that it was the best time if anyone wanted to kill him.

Former first lady Jackie Kennedy made the disclosure on tapes she made just four months after her husband was assassinated in Dallas in November 1963.

Jackie Kennedy's interviews with the historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. were kept private by the Kennedy Library until this month, when the audio and transcripts were released as a book titled Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy.

"And then I remember Jack saying after the Cuban missile crisis, when it all turned [out] so fantastically, he said, 'Well, if anyone's ever going to shoot me, this would be the day they should do it,'" Jackie said.

Jackie Kennedy went on to say that the Cuban issue had dominated everything during Washington's 13-day confrontation with the Soviet Union in October 1962, UPI reported.

During the Cuban missile crisis, the US and the Soviet Union seemed on the verge of nuclear war.

Some US administration officials had evacuated their families out of Washington, but the Kennedy family stayed till the end as the first lady was determined to keep her family together.

Jackie Kennedy also said after the the crisis was abated, the former president had referred to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater which occurred not long after the Civil War ended.

Kennedy was shot to death thirteen months later.

About Kennedy's murder, US author Allen Roland told Press TV that for nearly half a century real power in the US had been in the hands of the military establishment.

According to Roland, President Kennedy had become a real threat to the power and influence of the military complex after his change of heart with regards to Vietnam.

Roland said Kennedy was assassinated after "he had a change of heart when he saw what was happening in Vietnam" and power was then handed over to the CIA, military industrial complex, the Pentagon, Big Oil and the Banks.


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