lunes, septiembre 26, 2011

Ground Zero Victory Mosque gets scaled back considerably. For now

Fear not, New Yorkers? A monster mosque will not soar over Ground Zero. The news should have reverberated all over the city, ‘The Ground Zero Victory Mosque blinked!’ But if you shut your eyes for a second, you likely missed it.

(Don’t believe it, all muslims lie to infidels because their quran tells them to)
NY POST  Last month, in an amazing feat of contrition mixed with public-relations savvy, the man who controls 51 Park Place, the spot where developers threatened to build a 15-story, $100 million mega-mosque and Islamic center in the shadow of Ground Zero — said such a project will not be built.
Originally, Park51, formerly Cordoba (as in the Moors’ conquering of Spain Cordoba) House) was envisioned as a monster complex, complete with sex-segregated swimming pool and religiously segregated prayer spaces.
But buried deep inside the mosque-supportive New York Times, on a Saturday, was an amazing mea culpa by Sharif El-Gamal, lead developer of the boneheaded project, which, polls demonstrate, is opposed by 70 percent of New Yorkers.
El-Gamal said raising $100 million was unrealistic. And 15 stories? Would Park51 become, as planned, a soaring testament to the rise of Islam? Or, as some protested, a giant middle finger erected close to the scene of a massacre?

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