lunes, septiembre 19, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik held for further eight weeks

The confessed mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has been ordered to remain in custody for a further eight weeks during a closed court hearing, according to the judge

The 32-year-old has confessed to setting off a bomb in Oslo and shooting dead 69 at an island youth camp outside the city, killing 77 people in total on 22 July.

Oslo district court on Monday approved a police request to keep Breivik in custody on terror charges for another eight weeks – four of them in solitary confinement – as prosecutors prepare a formal indictment.

The judge, Anne Margrethe Lund, said she stopped Breivik "on a few occasions" when he tried to make statements during the hearing, his third since being arrested following the murders on Utøya island and in Oslo.

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