martes, julio 19, 2011

Russian-backed Propaganda Networks Claim Obama is a CIA Agent

Certain elements associated with Russian propaganda channel Russia Today have been spreading the idea that Barack Obama has long been a tool of the C.I.A.

The real evidence points far more in the direction of the Communist Party USA and their K.G.B. masters.
Why would Russia be trying to steer attention away from their networks and on to the C.I.A.?
By Cliff Kincaid July 18, 2011
Wayne Madsen, a regular contributor to the Russia Today propaganda channel, has been making the rounds for a year claiming that Barack Obama or his family members have had CIA connections. Now, the American Thinker, a premier conservative news site, has taken the bait.
In a July 15 post, “The network that produced Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.,” Thomas Lifson cites an article on the site of the Claremont Institute that “raises the intriguing network of connections among President Obama’s family and programs sponsored by the CIA and a variety of fronts and associated groups” Lifson claims a “history” by the CIA of co-opting “progressive American internationalists” and suggests this may be the case with Obama.

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