lunes, julio 11, 2011

Qatar mediating US-Taliban talks

LAHORE - Qatar is playing a mediatory role for talks between the Taliban and the United States, Weekly Nida-i-Millat has reported quoting reliable sources.
According to the weekly, the Gulf country is also playing an important role for conciliation between the Taliban and the Karzai government. Head of the political wing of the Taliban, Tayyab Agha, has been meting with the Qatar authorities, which have been reported by international press. According to Arab sources, Tayyab Agha is now holding talks in Germany to advance the process he had started in Qatar. His efforts would culminate into the Second Bonn Conference, to be held in December.
The first Bonn Conference was held before the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. At the time, the US was trying to replace the Taliban government with the one of the Northern Alliance. The purpose of the latest talks is to find an honourable exit for the US from Afghanistan.
It is said a secret meeting was held last week between a member of the royal family of Qatar and a representative of the Karzai government.
Afghanistan ambassador to Pakistan Omar Daudzai represented the Kabul authorities.

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