domingo, julio 17, 2011

Gipsies in Italy: 'One Day'/ Documentary

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Angela loves Zoltan. She doesn't know exactly why. She just does. And he loves her. They dream of a house together, and of children. But first they have to get out of that "shit-hole".

'They brought us here like they take a dead man to his grave,' Angela says. 'Then they forgot about us.' Angela and Zoltan live in metal cabins. Along with 75 Roma families they were forcibly evicted from their homes in 2004. It was just temporary, they were told. But six years later, the Roma still live in extremely uncertain circumstances. The cabins offer insufficient protection against rain and cold. The stench of the nearby sewage plant is terrible.

Angela and Zoltan keep dreaming of the day they can start a new life together. 'Only death will separate us, because we love each other so much,' Angela says. 'That's how it is. That's it.'

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