domingo, julio 17, 2011

CNN's 'gotcha' hatchet-job on terrorism fighter

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
The "gotcha" reporting of the Anderson Cooper program on CNN may have backfired, as a ministry organization in the United States now is going public with a long list of accusations that the AC360 employees lied about their "investigations" and actually used propaganda from a terror-linked organization for their story.
The recent programs concerned the work of Walid Shoebat and his foundation and related groups.
Reporter Andrew Griffin traveled to Rapid City, S.D., where Shoebat was speaking to a conference to confront him. He publicly accused a Shoebat associate of running a "scam."
"I gotta ask you because I do a lot of this type of reporting on charities, organizations that collect money… Everything is not very transparent. Are you running a scam?" Griffin asked.

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