viernes, julio 15, 2011

Barack Obama: Problem Child

By Sam Bain, Co-Chairman - Ohio College Republican Federation

Remember that nasty, little ginger kid in the 90s film, Problem Child? He was an orphan named Junior that the parents thought was so cute and so adorable, that they just had to adopt him. Little did they know that looks can be deceiving because as soon as he moves in, all hell breaks loose. He runs around with no regard for others and when he does not get his way the temper tantrums come out in full force. Instead of fixing problems, he causes them, making things detrimentally worse.

If only this movie had not come to life. Instead it is the reality of our nation and its current president who is all too willing to play politics with every issue he has faced during his tenure. There was the $787 billion dollar stimulus package full of pet projects that has done nothing but result in dire financial hardship for the country. Let’s not forget about the so called compassionate healthcare law that “won’t add a dime to the deficit.” You can’t force coverage on 30 million people without inducing spiraling costs.

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