sábado, julio 09, 2011

Algerian Fears Justified That Libyan Arms Could End In Al-Qaeda Hands

By Nazim Fethi
Terrorist groups have managed to ferry considerable quantities of arms across the Ténéré Desert (Mali and Niger), building up a formidable supply that threatens the security of the whole Sahel region.
The Algerian army has increased its presence along the border with Libya. The ANP just deployed an elite infantry brigade and airborne surveillance of the 900 kilometre border is also under way. In Algiers, officials voice concerns about the arms and explosives coming into the country from Libya, where weapons stockpiles have been raided.
Nigerien soldiers recently intercepted al-Qaeda terrorists carrying vast quantities of arms near the Algerian border. RPG-7 anti-tank grenade launchers, Kalashnikov assault rifles, 640kg of Semtex explosive material and 435 detonators were reportedly pillaged from Libyan arms depots.
Al-Qaeda could “take advantage of any chaos following the departure of Kadhafi to extend its influence to the Mediterranean coast,” L’Expression quoted NATO’s supreme allied commander in Europe, Admiral James Stavridis, as saying.
“The Algerians are very, very worried,” he added.

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