martes, junio 28, 2011

Economic tsunami alert for Americans

While Americans are distracted by the noisy three-ring circus of politics, entertainment and national-security threats, beneath it all the greatest nation on earth is being drained, looted, bankrupted – or in Obama-speak, "transformed" – and every major indicator shows seriously chaotic times ahead.
That's the message of the June issue of Whistleblower, "BE PREPARED: An economic tsunami alert for Americans."

Of course, for millions of Americans who have already lost their jobs, businesses, homes or savings, chaos is already their reality. And while politicians claim "recovery is just around the corner," hundreds of trillions of dollars in public debt (including future obligations) and mountains of printing-press money to pay all those otherwise unpayable obligations cannot have a happy ending.
Thus, everyone who has worked hard, obeyed the law, sacrificed, saved and invested so they could be secure in their old age is in real danger of being wiped out – or at least of losing a major portion of what they own. Inflation, the intentional policy of America's current political and financial ruling class, literally means the government is stealing your wealth – your substance – just as though it inserted a vacuum hose into your bank account and slowly sucked out the money every night when no one was watching.
Already, food, gasoline and other commodities are rising dramatically in price. Or, looking at it from the other end of the equation, the U.S. dollar is constantly diminishing in value – not just in relation to other nations' currencies, but in terms of real purchasing power here at home.
"We need to wake up and realize that to protect ourselves, our communities and our country, we have to take action," said WND Managing Editor David Kupelian. "If a tsunami alert sounded, you would move to higher ground. Consider this issue of Whistleblower a tsunami alert – along with some advice on finding that higher ground."

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