miércoles, junio 15, 2011

‘US builds secret base in Persian Gulf’

Press TV
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The United States is constructing a secret CIA airbase in the Persian Gulf in an attempt to expand Washington’s deadly drone war in the region, a report says.
Withholding the exact location of the base at the request of US officials, Associated Press reported on Wednesday that Washington has decided to build the airbase following indications that an anti-American faction may take over Yemen and ban US forces from fighting against al-Qaeda there.
According to the report, the White House has also increased the number of CIA officers in Yemen and stepped up the schedule to construct the drone base, from a two-year timetable to a rushed eight months, following months of political deadlock in Yemen.
US officials have described the moves as precautionary measures taken to face the possibility of al-Qaeda or other anti-American rebel forces gain control of Yemen.

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