jueves, junio 23, 2011

Uncontacted Amazon Tribe: First ever aerial footage

Slate Magazine

The Brazilian government says that it has spotted a previously unknown indigenous tribe in the western Amazon that does not appear to have ever had contact with modern civilization.Satellite pictures taken earlier this year first alerted the government’s national Indian foundation, known as FUNAI, to the possible existence of the tribe, National Geographic reports. Researchers then conducted a series of flyovers in the spring to confirm the tribe’s existence.Photographs, obtained by Al Jazeera, show four straw-roofed huts, surrounded by banana trees. Researchers believe that about 200 people live in the community.The clearings were found near the border of Peru in the Javari Region, one of the most isolated regions of Brazil with the highest concentration of isolated tribes. At least eight similarly "uncontacted" tribes have been spotted in the region.

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