miércoles, junio 29, 2011

Mosquing of the Public Schools in Toronto. No infidels allowed.

Islamic ritual prayers are conducted in a Toronto public middle school every Friday in the school cafeteria.” Non-Muslims are forbidden from entering the cafeteria during that time.

Blazing Cat Fur - Every Friday my daughter’s school cafeteria changes into a mosque as dozens of Muslim boys and their imams (Islamic preachers) lead Islamic ritual prayers and no one else can even walk through the cafeteria. 
Some imams (Islamic preachers) come from the outside of the school and lead Muslim students in the Islamic prayer and this happens at the school Cafeteria after the lunch on Fridays. All other non-Muslims are in classes in the afternoon when they are using the cafeteria as mosque. There is a mosque nearby but the Muslim kids pray in the school
School administration take part preparing the Cafeteria and making it into mosque every Friday and no one but Muslims can use the Cafeteria during the Islamic prayers on Friday.
And there are a number of other incidents involving Islam and other anti-Christian issues that I complained about, including a white convert to Islam who was a supply teacher and who openly promoted Islam and bashed Christianity last year!”
“Mark, my other two kids also go to a different public primary school and the snack for all the kids in this primary school is all “Halal”. My wife complained about it and she was told she can prepare her own snack for our kids but the school would not drop the Halal menu for all the students. All the school kids in this primary school have to eat halal snacks whether they are Muslim or not”
Update: It is confirmed thanks to reader Munimula, the Valley Park Middle School cafeteria is turned into a mosque and a local Imam is brought in to lead the children in worshipping Allah: “Prayer Service, the school is providing a venue for the Muslim student’s to have prayers at school on Fridays. An Imam from the neighbouring mosque comes to our school and conducts the prayers. Prior to this, students signed out early on Friday afternoons to go to mosque. By staying at school, valuable instructional time is saved for our students.”
The document is also accessible here.

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