martes, junio 21, 2011

Microsoft's Dropbox Equivalent Is Still Insanely Frustrating

Microsoft's online file storage service, Windows Live SkyDrive, has been a teeth-gnashing flail ever since its introduction.
It looks like a bunch of file folders sitting on a hard drive -- but you can't drag and drop files and folders into one another or right click them to copy and paste or do any of the other things you've been able to do in the Windows file system for more than a decade.
There's some kind of tie into Office Web Apps, but it's weird and inconsistent -- you can upload files directly from a menu item in Office 2010 apps, but not from earlier versions of Office. You can do some things from the browser, while other features require you to open a desktop Office app.
There's a sync service that keeps files from your desktop synced to the cloud version -- it's called Mesh and it replaced Live Sync (which replaced FolderShare), but it only works with 5GB of your 25GB free storage.

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