domingo, junio 12, 2011

"Kill Me If You Can" [Documental]

From   Top Documentary Films

Hold on to your seats, this story will blow you away. Kill me if you can is a docu-drama, which follows two boys (John and Mark), addicted to an Internet chat room.
There, they develop a close friendship, meet in real life, and hit it off. But what happens next is more shocking and extraordinary than anything you could ever imagine.
On the afternoon of July 16 2003, police arrest John for the attempted murder of his best friend Mark. What drove him to do it?
An incredible story emerges of how Mark has been recruited over the web to be a secret service agent by a spy mistress called Janet Dobinson. She promises him sex and riches if he passes an initiation test: to kill his friend John. The schoolboy is propelled into a world of espionage; his bland suburban surroundings become a landscape of mystery and intrigue.
But in court, facing charges of attempted murder, Mark finally learns the truth – Janet and a host of other people he met on the Internet are all fictitious characters invented by someone bent on manipulating his every move. But who would know enough to trick him into attempting murder?

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