martes, junio 28, 2011

Delta Air Lines case: Shut down! Question about discrimination

White House press secretary Jay Carney today closed down expectations that the president might address allegations of anti-Semitism by Delta Air Lines when he refused to allow the question to be asked.
In the daily news briefing today, Carney allowed CBS to ask seven questions, CNN six, ABC five and four each from AP, Fox and Bloomberg, but allowed none from 31 of the 50 reporters there, including Les Kinsolving, WND's correspondent and the reporter ranking second on the seniority list on the beat.
Kinsolving had planned to ask:
1. Why does the president believe that Saudi Arabian Airline planes should be allowed to land in the U.S. since that airline bans passengers Jews.
2. What is the president prepared to do to halt this Saudi Arabian anti-Semitism at New York and Washington airports?

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