sábado, junio 18, 2011

#Canada - CBC's magic money machine

Uploaded by on Jun 17, 2011
If you didn't already know the CBC was great, well, now you do.

The state broadcaster commissioned a study from Deloitte and Touche which claims its annual $1.1-billion subsidy generates an additional $2.6 billion in economic activity for the Canadian economy. Even more bizarre is the claim that spending the money on CBC generates an extra $1.3 billion in economic activity than were the government to spend the money elsewhere. Remarkable!

I didn't know the CBC was a magic money machine! Given the return on investment they claim, I say we boost the Canadian economy by putting the entire federal budget into the state broadcaster. Think of the jobs this will create. Canada will be an economic powerhouse.

The whole report reads like the consultant just channelled the old hymn How Great Thou Art and applied it the CBC.

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