martes, junio 21, 2011

10 Reasons Obama Is a One-Term President

By Daniel J. Flynn
Less than two months ago, buzzing from the president's gutsy call to eliminate Osama bin Laden, liberal pontificators had practically sworn in Barack Obama for his second term. "For the GOP the sands are rushing through the hourglass," Roger Simon wrote in a column whose title had wondered whether the president was "invincible." He claimed that with Geronimo KIA, "the Republican field has been fried like an egg." In reality, the president's short-term popularity boost had fried the long-term judgment of his supporters.
The reasons to believe Obama a one-term president are many and well-grounded.
10. The Declaration of Independents
Candidate Obama attracted independents. President Obama repulses them. The president entered office with the approval of 62 percent of independents. The latest Gallup poll shows support of just 42 percent of independents. Similarly, the political moderates key to his election have deserted the president as immoderate policies have emerged. There simply aren't enough liberals for Democrats to lose moderates and win elections. No Democratic candidate over the last half century has won the presidency without winning moderates.
9. A Redder America
Barack Obama faces a redder electoral map than he did in 2008. The 2012 presidential election is more than a year away, but the Electoral College has already shifted twelve votes away from blue states and toward red states.

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