martes, mayo 10, 2011

Ventura doesn't buy The Bin Laden Hoax

Former Navy SEAL and Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura has questioned Barack Obama's official narrative regarding the raid on Osama Bin Laden, telling the Alex Jones Show of his suspicions that Osama died years ago, and expressing disbelief that the man seen flicking between TV channels in the video released by the White House Saturday was actually Bin Laden.
"I've been lied to so much I question everything the government tells me," Ventura said, adding that the Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman cover-ups made him suspect the official version of last Sunday's events.
"I don't know what to believe, that's the disturbing thing about being a United States citizen," said Ventura, noting how the media has for the most part simply regurgitated everything the White House claimed about the raid.

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