sábado, mayo 14, 2011

#Osama Bashes Joe Biden

Bin Laden reportedly didn't think the vice president was worth targeting. But Michael Tomasky points out that killing Obama and Biden would have put Nancy Pelosi in charge-and helped inflame anti-American sentiment.

Well, ho ho ha ha. Such is sometimes life for any vice president. Even Dick Cheney had to endure a few such moments, surely. But I think OBL's assessment actually betrays his (perhaps unsurprising) lack of knowledge of constitutional governance. Consider.
Pro Publica does not indicate when the above musing took place. But if it happened while bin Laden was living in Abbottabad, the odds are good that he jotted these notes down while Nancy Pelosi was the speaker of the House of Representatives, and thus third in line for the presidency. Bin Laden, given what we know of his religious views, was probably not a big believer in women's lib. Now, if I hated America and were a misogynistic religious extremist and wanted Muslims across the world to come around to my way of seeing things, I think I'd want the United States to have a female president. Women do not enjoy status equal to men in the Muslim world, to put it mildly, so I would have thought that a Great Satan led by a member of the veiled sex-and a brassy one at that-would be that much more opprobrious in the eyes of Muslims. It thus would have been a lot easier to inflame Arab world opinion against an America led by Nancy Pelosi than against one led by Barack Hussein Obama, or even by Joe Biden.more

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