sábado, mayo 14, 2011

#Obama - Fantasies, Present and Future

By Victor Davis Hanson
The Obama administration has offered a number of recent fantasies. Here are a few examples.
a) Despite owning the presidency, the House, and a filibuster-proof Senate between 2009-10, the president could not introduce an immigration bill, in the manner he rammed through health care? What nefarious force stopped him, and why does he blame “them” in a recent speech in El Paso? Who are “they,” who so illiberally sidetracked his immigration visions during his first two years, and instead preferred “alligators and moats” to reform? Democrats in the House, Senate, or administration between 2009 and 2010?
b) How in the El Paso speech can one pontificate about and deplore partisan politics and “ugly rhetoric” on immigration when at the same time asking the audience to log on to a White House website to lobby for the president’s political agenda — a few months after asking “Latinos” to “punish” their Republican “enemies”? Is the latter “ugly rhetoric”? If not, why? And was it not more ugly rhetoric, when his whipped-up audience interrupted his own cheerleading with “they’re racists!”?
c) Obama also swore that 650 miles of border fencing of all sorts along a 1,900 mile-plus Mexico-U.S. border means that the border fence “is basically completed.” How does less than one third of a task constitute “basically completed?” What does “basically” mean?


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