sábado, mayo 14, 2011

#Hamas Riding a ‘New Wind’ from #Egypt

By Sami al-Abasi

Hamas is hailing the “new wind” blowing from its Egyptian neighbors, one that is strengthening the position of the terrorist group in the international arena. With bold words and actions, Hamas is celebrating the end of its international isolation and new Egyptian involvement. Says Hamas political head Khaled Meshaal, in an article for Egyptian daily Al-Ahram:
Egypt is dealing in a “new wind” with Hamas, because its responsibility now is different after the revolution. … We are looking to Egypt now, hoping that Egypt is prepared to face the Zionist danger at the strategic level.
The “new wind” is evident in Egypt’s diplomatic strategy. After brokering the reconciliation between the two major Palestinian parties, Fatah and Hamas, Egypt has encouraged the United States to support the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state.
The Egyptian government and Hamas are also raising diplomatic ties to a whole new level. From reporting in the English-language edition of Egypt’s most popular paper:


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