martes, mayo 03, 2011

Dream Big: #Cuba to Key West

The producers of the documentary film Dream Big would like to invite you on a unique journey.  Be a part of history this June, 2011, when Cynthia Aguilar will cross the Florida Straits, nonstop, in waters as deep as 7000 feet, on her 15' prone paddleboard.
This film will inspire, encourage and SHOW the journey of a Big Dream.  The film will be entered into festivals and tell this truly inspiring story of an athlete and her team going back to the drawing board and taking on the challenges Mother Nature presents and most importantly never ever giving up.  Cynthia's first attempt to cross the Florida Straits was brought to an end in 2010, after getting caught in a powerful eddy current, and paddling 17 hours, and the last half against a North wind.
Cynthia made the hardest decision of her life to end the paddle and get in the boat.  "Sometimes the ocean is bigger than you, but just like in life, you never give up. We're coming back to complete this dream in June, stronger than ever before." ~ Cynthia
Cameras above and below water will document Cynthia's endurance as she makes her second attempt to paddle non-stop from Cuba to Key West. Pushing her body to the limit, along with her team of Captains, EMT, Nutritionist, Marine Biologist, and Film Crew.
On land, we will have cameras in Key West at the National Weather Service tracking weather, wind and current information.  Backers can follow our course at www.KeepPaddlin.Org  Our website will have maps tracking Cynthia's coordinates using the Spot and Delorme devices.
We will use the money raised on Kickstarter for logistical support of the paddle and the documentary film, boat rentals, fuel, food, safety devices, camera gear and post-production.  Our team has come together stronger than ever and this story promises to take you on a journey like no other.
See the Atlantic's powerful waters and marine life as you watch this incredible athlete personify HOPE.

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