domingo, mayo 22, 2011

#Conspiracy - #WikiLeaks - 'North American Initiative' no 'theory'

By Bob Unruh

A document posted online by WikiLeaks reveals that there were strategy discussions regarding the adoption of a "North American Union" – called the North American Initiative in this case – at the ambassadorial level in the United States government.
The concept of a North American Union largely has been ridiculed by many in government and media. The Wikipedia entry on North American Union calls it a "theoretical economic union" that has "been the subject of various conspiracy theories."
However, WND has built an extensive library of reports that document progress toward the idea, and best-selling author Jerome Corsi's book, "The Late Great USA," shows how the Security and Prosperity Partnership, an agreement signed in 2005 by President George W. Bush, threatens American sovereignty.
Read the blueprint for America's restoration, in "Taking America Back," Joseph Farah's manifesto for sovereignty, self-reliance and moral renewal
The WikiLeaks document was uncovered by investigators with Americans for Legal Immigration, and the organization reports they "appear to confirm an incremental and covert plan within the highest levels of the American and Canadian governments to accomplish deeper 'North American Integration,' while keeping most average citizens in the dark and bypassing the constitutions of the existing three sovereign nations of America, Canada and Mexico."

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