domingo, mayo 22, 2011

#Conspiracy - US and the Coming Merger with #Mexico and #Canada

By Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada
In The Late Great USA, Corsi proves that the benignly-named "Security and Prosperity Partnership," created at a meeting between George W. Bush, Paul Martin and Vincente Fox, is in fact the same kind of regional integration plan that led Europe to form the EU. According to Corsi, the elites in Europe who wanted to create a European nation knew that "it would be necessary to conceal from the peoples of Europe just what was being done in their name until the process was so far advanced that it had become irreversible." Could the same thing be happening here? Is American sovereignty doomed?
Using dozens of documents secured through the Freedom of Information Act and his trademark hard-hitting interviews, Jerome Corsi sets out a chilling view of America's possible "harmonized" future -- one being created covertly, without voter input or Congressional oversight. Could our government's unfathomable position on illegal immigration be tied to the prospect of an integrated North American Union?
“The Late Great U.S.A. is a real winner that sounds a clarion call to this nation. This book uncovers the careful deceptions of a powerful elite who want to undermine our sovereignty before we realize it. I consider this a must read for every American.”
- Hal Lindsey, Best-selling author of The Late Great Planet Earth
”Dr. Corsi has ‘connected the dots’ between the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the sale of toll roads and other infrastructure to foreign companies, and proposals for a North American Union with open borders between Mexico, the U.S., and Canada. The Late Great U.S.A. is an essential read for anyone concerned about the future independence and sovereignty of the United States.”

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