martes, mayo 03, 2011

#Canada votes Conservative

"Whether or not you cast a vote for us today our government must and will stand on guard for all regions, and we will do so faithfully,”  Stephen Harper said last night.
"Whether or not you cast a vote for us today our government must and will stand on guard for all regions, and we will do so faithfully,” Stephen Harper said last night.
Richard J. Brennan and Bruce Campion-Smith
The Conservatives have finally captured their coveted majority government in an historic election that vaulted the NDP to a stunning second-place finish, making them the official Opposition, pushing aside the Liberals to a humiliating third.
At the Telus Convention Centre in Calgary, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper expressed elation at his huge win.
"What a great night," Harper told more than 1,500 cheering Conservative supporters.
"A strong, stable, national Conservative government," he said.
Harper said Canadians "can now turn the page from uncertainties" with a majority government.


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