viernes, abril 01, 2011

"Source Code": Strangeness on a Train

by John Boot

Source Code rethinks Groundhog Day as a thriller, posing the question: what if, instead of covering a lame news story, Bill Murray had to stop a terrorist strike?
Canny psychological thrillers don’t come often enough, which makes Source Code a rare treat which recalls bits of Memento, Inception, and Hitchcock movies like North by Northwest.
For an Army captain named Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal), the situation is getting stranger and stranger on a train. He awakens on a commuter railway car where a cute brunette (an especially warm and likeable Michelle Monaghan) is chatting with him like an old pal. He has no idea who she is and she seems to think he’s a guy named Sean Fentress. Yet when he looks in the mirror, he sees someone he doesn’t recognize (a different actor pops up as Gyllenhaal’s reflection, in the first of many simple but effectively unnerving touches). Moreover, the train he is on is never going to reach its destination in Chicago.

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