sábado, abril 23, 2011

Slaughters in West Papua

With daily reports coming through of brutality and killings in West Papua, in addition to the 40 years of genocide, bloodshed, rape, torture, intimidation and suffering that the Papuan people have endured under Indonesian occupation, now more than ever before urgent international intervention is required to bring about a peaceful solution to the conflict. Time is running out. The lessons of East Timor need to be learnt.
The large numbers of British politicians who have signed up to the International Parliamentarians for West Papua in recent days is a sign that the ongoing human rights violations being committed by Indonesian military and Islamic militias against the Papuan population have not gone unnoticed by the outside world. The people of West Papua have suffered for too long under Indonesian occupation. They just want to live in peace as a free nation. Free from the toxic Indonesian regime that has pillaged their land, raped their mothers and sisters, killed hundreds of thousands of their people, and attempted to destroy their sacred culture.
It is time for a Free West Papua. The human rights of each of us are undermined if the human rights of others are denied.
An elderly Papuan tribal woman lays dying after being shot by Indonesian military following a raid on her village.

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