domingo, abril 03, 2011

Pessimistic about 2012? Please

by Kyle-Anne Shiver

What is the matter with people nowadays? Normally quite intelligent conservatives seem to be going feely-feely on us all of a sudden. Here we are, still nearly two years out from November 2012, and already there is talk of despair. Despair over what, pray tell?
The man-child president, who steadfastly prefers hoops, links, and brewski to governing, has failed to mature even a smidgen and is up to his skinny neck in failed liberal dream schemes, lawsuits with more than half the states, and a Mideast pressure cooker set to blow wide open at every stateside gas pump. Carter déjà vu? Not even close. This is turning out to be the presidency which will launch conservative statesmanship into a hundred-year reign.

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