viernes, abril 29, 2011

The Latest Climate Change Hoax Now Being Blamed for Tornado Devastation in South

Aileen Donnelly/ National Post

At least 194 people are dead after dozens of intense tornadoes tore across the southern U.S. between Tuesday and Thursday. It's being described as America's worst tornado even since 310 people were killed in the Midwest on April 3, 1974.

At least 131 people died in Alabama alone, prompting the state to declare a "major disaster" on Thursday and seek federal aid. Alabama Governor Robert Bentley said as many as a million people could be without electricity in the state, and added that the death toll is expected to rise. Reports estimate that at least 32 people died in Mississippi, and 11 in Georgia.

A report published by Impact Forecasting says, "The United States has the highest occurrence of tornadoes of any nation in the world. During an average year, over 1,000 tornadoes occur across the continental United States." According to the report, more than half of the year's tornadoes take place between April and June.

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