sábado, abril 09, 2011

Condena EEUU situacion de los DDHH en Cuba

El gobierno de los Estados Unidos a dado a conocer su valoracion de los Derechos Humanos en el mundo a traves de su Departamento de Estado. Nuevamente la Cuba Kaxtrizta recibe una dura condena, aunque alguien tiene que rectificarles el total de la poblacion cubana.

"Cuba, with a population of approximately 11.4 million, is a totalitarian state led by Raul Castro, who held the positions of chief of state, president of the council of state and council of ministers, and commander in chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces. The constitution recognizes the Communist Party (CP) as the only legal party and "the superior leading force of society and of the state." Fidel Castro, who formally relinquished power to his brother in 2008, remained the First Secretary of the CP. The 2008 legislative elections were neither free nor fair; a CP candidacy commission preapproved all candidates, resulting in the CP candidates and their allies winning 98.7 percent of the vote and 607 of 614 seats in the National Assembly. Security forces reported to civilian authorities".

El informe completo en ingles puede verse  AQUI

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