domingo, abril 03, 2011

Chinese 'invasion' of USA scrapped/ Movie

By Drew Zahn

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

A long-delayed film about Chinese invaders taking over the U.S. to help "fix" America's broken economy has undergone a digital makeover, removing the allusions to China in fear, some report, of offending the Asian nation's $1.5-billion box office.
As WND reported, the movie was expected to be a hard-core remake of the original communism-bashing "Red Dawn" of two decades back – where Lea Thompson, Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze staged a shoot-'em-up against invading Russians in the Colorado mountains – only this time, with Chinese invaders instead.

But now, several Hollywood sources report, the filmmakers at MGM have hired digital artists to change all the film's Chinese flags and symbols … to North Korean.

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