viernes, abril 01, 2011

Canada's Dilemma With Cuba/ Nelson Taylor Sol

By Nelson Taylor Sol

This month Dr. Oscar Biscet was released from a Cuban jail, a move that could mark a turning point in the country.

Detained during the “Black Spring” of March 2003, Dr. Biscet and 74 other members of the opposition movement were considered prisoners of conscience by Amnesty International, drawing international condemnation, including a common European Union stance against Castro’s regime.

Carefully planned to decapitate Cuba’s growing opposition movement at a time when the world’s attention was focused on the outset of the Iraq war, the now infamous crackdown saw dozens of journalists, librarians, and human rights activists rounded up, summarily tried, and sentenced for up to 28 years in jail.

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Is the Ottawa representative director of the Cuban Canadian Foundation and a Cuban expatriot. His blog address is Further information can be seen at

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