martes, abril 19, 2011

Bay of Pigs - Daughter worked to find truth about father's death

Janet Ray, the daughter of Thomas "Pete" Ray who was killed during the Bay of Pigs invasion, talks about her more than 18-year battle to get her father's body, which had been kept frozen in Cuba, back to the United States appears in the University of Alabama documentary "Playa giron," which will air in May.
Janet Ray, the daughter of Thomas "Pete" Ray who was killed during the Bay of Pigs invasion, talks about her more than 18-year battle to get her father's body, which had been kept frozen in Cuba, back to the United States appears in the University of Alabama documentary "Playa giron," which will air in May. 
By Teri Greene  

Janet Ray was only 6 when she was told that her father, Thomas "Pete" Ray, had died in Cuba on April 19, 1961. Even then, she questioned not only his death but the circumstances that surrounded it."I didn't believe he was dead," Ray said in a phone interview from her home in Miami. "For the first time in my life, people were talking about the president of the United States lying. I didn't even think people lied. Was he alive? Was he in prison? We'd heard he had been shot before a firing squad."
Full story  HERE

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